Friday, June 10, 2016

100 creation of English LIterature

৩৭তম বিসিএস প্রিলি প্রস্তুতি
ইংরেজি সাহিত্যের ১০০টি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ গ্রন্থ ও লেখক ।যা বিসিএস সহ বিভিন্ন পরীক্ষায় আসে।

1):- David Copperfield → Charles Dickens
2):- Hamlet → William Shakespeare
3):- The Rime of the Ancient Mariner → Samuel Taylor
4):- Das Capital → Karl Mark
5):- Animal Farm → George Orwell
6):- Dialogues → Plato
7):- Tempest → William Shakespeare
8):- Main Kemp → Ad loaf Hitler
9):- Mother → Maxim Gorky
10):- As You Like it → William Shakespeare
11):- Paradise Lost → John Milton
12):- The Tale of Two Cities → Charles Dickens
13):- The Merchant of Venice → William Shakespeare
14):- Pride and Prejudice → Jane Austen
15):- All’s Well that Ends Well → William Shakespeare
16):- Anna Karenina → Leo Tolstoy
17):- Origin of Species → Charles Darwin
18):- Discovery of India → Johor Lal Nehru
19):- Asian Drama → Gunner Myrdal
20):- The Old Man and The Sea → Earnest Hemingway
21):- Julius Caesar → William Shakespeare
22):- Man and Superman → George Bernard Shaw
23):- War and Peace → Leo Tolstoy
24):- Gulliver’s Travels → Jonathan Swift
25):- Heaven and Earth → Lord Byron
26):- Blue Bird → Lord Alfred Tennyson
27):- Othello → William Shakespeare
28):- India Wins Freedom → Abul Kalam Azad
29):- Marriage and Moral → Bertrand Russell
30):- God of the Small Things → Arundhuty Roy
31):- Caesar and Cleopatra → George Bernard Shaw
32):- Romeo and Juliet → William Shakespeare
33):- Jungle Book → Rudyard Kipling
34):- Lycidas → John Milton
35):- Emma → Jane Austen
36):- A pair of Blue Eyes → Thomas Hardy
37):- Odyssey → Homer
38):- Memories of the Second World War → Winston
39):- For Whom the Bell Tolls → Earnest Hemingway
40):- Wealth and Nation → Adam Smith
41):- West Land → T.S Eliot
42):- Vanity Fair → W.M Thackeray
43):- Prince → Machiavelli
44):- Republic → Plato
45):- Freedom → Bertrand Russell
46):- A Long Walk to Freedom → Nelson Mandela
47):- Robinson Crusoe → Daniel Defoe
48):- Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow → D.H Lawrence
49):- Ulysses → Lord Alfred Tennyson
50):- Sense and Sensibility → Jane Austen
51):- Roots → Alex Haley
52):- To Skylark → P. B Shelly
53):- Time Machine → H. W Wells
54):- Try and Try Again → W.E Hick son
55):- Seven Seas → Rudyard Kipling
56):- Around the World in Eighty Days→ Jules Verne
57):- Waiting For Goddot → Samuel Becket
58):- Things Fall Apart → Chinua Achebe
59):- Silent Women → Ben Johnson
60):- Wuthering Heights → Emile Bronte
61):- The Way of the World → William Congreve
62):- Voyage of Lilliput → Jonathon Swift
63):- Top Secret → Henry Fielding
64):- Twelfth Night → William Shakespeare
65):- Utopia → Sir Thomas Moore
66):- Tom Jones → Henry Fielding
67):- The Return of the Native → Thomas Hardy
68):- The Alchemist → Ben Jonson
69):- Tess of t D’Urbervilles → Thomas Hardy
70):- Scholar Gipsy → Matthew Arnold
71):- The Rape of the Lock → Alexander Pope
72):- Prelude → William Wordsworth
73):- Ode to the West Wind → P.B Shelly
74):- Great Expectations → Charles Dickens
75):- King Lear → William Shakespeare
76):- Kublai Khan → Samuel Taylor Coleridge
77):- Isabella → John Keats
78):- Measure and Measure → William Shakespeare
79):-In Memoriam → Lord Alfred Tennyson
80):- Pilgrim’s Progress → John Bunyan
81):- Oliver Twist → Charles Dickens
82):- Paradise Regained → John Milton
83):- Iliad → Homer
84):- Divine Comedy → Dante
85):- Crime and Punishment → Dostoevsky
86):- A Brief History Of Time → Stephen Hawking
87):- A Farewell to Arms → Earnest Hemingway
88):- A Midsummer’s Nights Dream → William
89):- Adonis → P. B Shelly
90):- Akbar Nama → Abul Fazal
91):- Canterbury Tales → Geoffrey Chaucer
92):- Comedy of Errors → William Shakespeare
93):- Don Juan → Lord Byron
94):- Dr. Faustus → Christopher Marlowe
95):- Politics → Aristotle
96):- Volpone → Ben Jonson
97):- Dictionary → Samuel Johnson
98):- A Passage to India → E. M. Forster
99):- Macbeth → William Shakespeare
100):- Samson Agonists → John Milton

Sunday, May 29, 2016

কিছু সদর দপ্তর শিখে নিন টেকনিকে

মনে রাখার কৌশল

সম্মেলনের শহর হিসেবে পরিচিত জেনেভা ( সুইজারল্যান্ড)অনেক সংস্থার সদর দপ্তর এখানে আছে।

চলুন মনে রাখি ছন্দে ছন্দেঃ
স্বাস্থ্যবান স্কাউট ও শ্রমিকেরা তাদের উচ্চ মেধা দিয়ে আবহাওয়া উপযোগী বাণিজ্যিক ভবন তৈরী করল

এখন মিলিয়ে নিনঃ

WHO >>> World health Organization (স্বাস্থ্যবান)
Wosom >>>> world scout movement (স্কাউট)
ILO >>> International Labor Organization (শ্রমিক)
ITU >>> International Telecommunication Union ( তার বা তাদের )
UNHCR >>> United Nations High Commissions for Refugees (উচ্চ)
WIPO >>> World Intellectual Property Organization (মেধা)
WMO >>> World Meteorological Organization (আবহাওয়া)
WTO >>> World Trade Organization (বাণিজ্যিক)

জাতিসংঘ এর ৬ টি ভাষা মনে রাখার সহজ উপায়

C= Chinese

A= Arabic


F= French

E= English


ভাল লাগলে নিয়মিত ভিজিট করুন এ। মতামত দিতে কমেন্ট করুন।

কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম সম্পাদিত পত্রিকাগুলোর শর্টকাট

""কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম সম্পাদিত পত্রিকাগুলোর শর্টকাট""
¤¤ ধুলাগন ¤¤
ধু= ধুমকেতু
লা= লাঙ্গল
গ= গনবাণী
ন= নবযুগ
"বাংলাদেশের নিরক্ষরমুক্ত ৭ টা জেলার শর্টকাট"
¤¤ সিরাজ চুমা লাগা ¤¤
সি= সিরাজগঞ্জ
রা= রাজশাহী
জ= জয়পুরহাট
চু= চুয়াডাঙ্গা
মা= মাগুরা (প্রথম)
লা= লালমনিরহাট
গা= গাইবান্ধ
Shortcut টেকনিকের পোস্ট পেতে  নিয়মিত আমাদের ব্লগে ভিজিট করুন। অন্যান্য পোস্ট গুলো দেখুন। কমেন্ট করে মতামত দিতে পারেন।

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

ইংরেজি সাহিত্য। পার্ট-২

b. The Jacobean Age (1603-1625):
This age is named after James I who reigned England from 1603 to 1625. The word ‘’Jacobean’’ is derived from ‘’Jacobus’’, the Latin version of James. Some historians like to call the last five years of this age as a part of another age which they call The Puritan Age (1620-1660). They call it so because in between 1620 and 1660 Puritanism became the driving force in the life and literature of England. The important elements of this age were:
1. Colonial territories were expanded.
2. Religious conflict that subsided in the Elizabethan age, revived in this period. Protestants were divided into three sects: 1. Anglicans, 2. Presbyterians, 3. Puritans.
3. Renaissance’s influence continued.
4. Scotland was brought under the rule of the king of England.
Major Writers and Their Major Works:
1. Shakespeare, who had started in the Elizabethan Period, wrote twelve serious plays in this period. Those plays are: 1. Measure for Measure (1604), 2. Othello (1604), 3. Macbeth (1605), 4. King Lear (1605), 5. Antony and Cleopatra (1606), 6. Coriolanus (1606), 7. Timon of Athens (unfinished-1608), 8. Pericles (in part-1608), 9. Cymbeline (1609), 10. The Winter’s Tale (1610), 11. The Tempest (1611), 12. Henry VIII (in part-1613).
Though Shakespeare had written his serious plays in the Jacobean Age, he is called an Elizabethan dramatist and never the Jacobean. The period (1590-1616) in which he wrote is also called Shakespearean Age.
2. Ben Jonson, who had started in the Elizabethan period, wrote his famous plays in this period: Volpone (1605), The Silent Woman (1609), The Alchemist (1610).
3. Francis Bacon also continued to write in this period: Advancement of Learning, Novum Orgum. Some new essays were added to the new edition of his Essays (1625).
4. King James I, known as the Wisest Fool, instituted the translation of the Bible into English in 1611. Its language became the standard of English prose.
5. John Webster (1580-1625): The White Devil (1612), The Duchess of Malfi (1614).
6. Cyril Tourneur (1575-1626): The Revenger’s Tragedy (1600), The Atheist’s Tragedy (1611).
7. John Donne (1572-1632) and George Herbert (1593-1633), the metaphysical poets, started writing in this period.
Literary Features of the Period:
Drama still remained the main mode of expression. The dramatists practiced classical rules of drama. Elizabethan idealization of love and romance almost died out. Poetry took a new and startling turn.
c. Caroline Age (1625-1649):
This age is named after Charles I, who reigned over England from 1625 to 1649. ‘’Caroline’’ is derived from ‘’Carolus’’, the Latin version of ‘’Charles’’. This age is also a part of the Puritan Age (1620-1660). The important events of this period were:
1. There was a long civil war between ‘’Cavaliers’’ and ‘’Roundheads’’. Those who supported the king were called ‘’Cavaliers’’. Most of them were lords and their dependants. ‘’Roundheads’’ were those who supported parliament. Most of them were puritans. A group of lyric poets associated with the ‘’Cavaliers’’ are called ‘’Cavalier poets’’. Richard Lovelace, Sir John Suckling, Robert Herrick and Thomas Carew were the members of this group. Those poets were also called Sons of Ben as they were the admirers and followers of Ben Jonson. Their lyrics are trivial, gay, witty and often licentious.
2. In 1642 English theatre was officially closed. On 14 June 1643 Licensing Order for printing was passed.
3. The Cavaliers were defeated, the king was caught and publicly beheaded on 30th January, 1649. His death marked the dissolution of monarchy for the time being.
4. English colonies were further expanded.
5. Oliver Cromwell emerged as a puritan leader and came to power in 1649.
Writers and Their Major Works:
1. Donne and Herbert continued to write their metaphysical poetry. Henry Vaughan and Andrew Marvell also wrote metaphysical poetry.
2. John Milton (1608-74) started writing in this period and wrote—‘’ Of Education’’, ‘’Areopagitica’’, ‘’Comus’’, ‘’Lycidas’’.
Literary Features:
This age is not an age of drama. Drama collapsed because of the civil war and puritanical attack. Metaphysical poetry was the main literary product of the age.
d. Commonwealth Period (1649-1660):
This is the period when there was no monarch in England. After the death of Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, the puritan leader, came to power. In this period Puritanism became gradually unpopular. The English people realized that monarchy was essential for them.
Major Writers and Their Major Works:
1. John Milton who was still alive had not written anything important in this period.
2. Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679), a political philosopher: ‘’Leviathan’’.
3. Jeremy Taylor (1613-67): ‘’Holy Living’’, ‘’Holy Dying’’.
4. Vaughan (1621-95) and Marvell (1621-78)

ইংরেজি সাহিত্য--- পার্ট-১

English Literature
The Renaissance (1500-1660)
• Renaissance is an Italian word which means Rebirth. *
• A salient feature of the Renaissance is – Humanism, Nationalism, Aestheticism
Though renaissance began in 1453, its effect on English life and literature was felt after 1500. This period is called the Renaissance Period because renaissance spirit was the main force that characterized the literature of this time. Thi s period of 160 years is subdivided into four shorter ages according to the names of the political rulers (Elizabethan, Jacobean, Caroline and Commonwealth).
• Humanism (dignity of man)
• Nationalism
• New approach to life
• A new spirit in art, architecture, literature and learning
• The growth of vernaculars
• Scientific investigation, inquiry and exploration
• The idea of the “ Devine Right” of king
1) Preparation for the Renaissance (1500-1558)
1) Sir Thomas Wyatt
2) Sir Thomas Moor (essayist)
2) The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)
3) Edmund Spenser
4) Christopher Marlowe
5) Thomas Kyd (playwright)
3) The Jacobean Age (1603-1625)
6) William Shakespeare (23rd April 1564-1616)
7) Ben Johnson(1573-1637)
8) John Donne
9) Francis Bacon(1561-1626) (essayist)
10) Robert Herrick (1592-1674)(poet)
4) Puritan period (1620-1660)
*Caroline Age (1625-1649)
*Commonwealth Period (1649-1660):
11) John Milton (1620-1674) (epic poet)
12) Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679),
13) Jeremy Taylor (1613-67):
14) Vaughan (1621-95)
15) John Bunyan (1628-1688)
The Elizabethan Age (1558-1603)
1. The golden age of English literature – the Elizabethan age
2. Elizabethan tragedy is centered on – revenge
3. The Elizabethan age was replete with songs & lyrics. This is why; this age is called “a nest of singing birds”.
4. The first English tragedy – Ferrex & Porrex.
5. University Wits – Those playwrights who were highly educated in Oxford & Cambridge University. 5 of them born same year 1558. Thomas Kyd, Bacon, Marlowe etc.
This age is named after Queen Elizabeth I who reigned over England from 1558 to 1603. The important events of the age were:
1. With the accession of Queen Elizabeth I, dynastic problems and political chaos came to an end. Stability was attained and national prosperity began.
2. Elizabeth 1 introduced Anglicanism to settle religious problems. It has a long history. In the 16th century Martin Luther of Germany and Zwingli and Calvin of Switzerland protested against the autocracy of the then Pope. Those who supported them were called Protestants and those who still supported the Pope were called the Papist or Catholics. Henry VIII who was the king of England during those years supported Protestantism for personal advantage. He wanted to divorce his first wife, Catherine and marry Anne Boleyn, his fiancée, but the Pope did not approve it. So he denied Pope’s authority and introduced Protestantism in England. Some of the people accepted king’s religious authority but the rest followed the Pope’s rule. This caused a bloody civil war which continued till Elizabeth came to power in 1558. She understood the problem and introduced Anglicanism, England’s own church. This religious settlement brought stability and prosperity to England in the second half of the 16th century.
3. Geographical and astronomical discoveries of the previous decades brought unlimited fortune during this period.
4. Renaissance that had started earlier was now very strongly felt in England. Erasmus reached England, and with Colet, taught humanism and other ideals of renaissance.
Major Writers and Their Major Works:
1. Thomas Moore (essayist) (1478-1535):
Utopia (Kingdom of Nowhere). The book was originally written in Latin in 1516.
2. Edmund Spenser (1552-1599):
He is called the poet of the poets because after his death many later English poets followed his art of poetry. ‘The Faerie Queen’ (1590), ’The Shepherd’s Calendar’ (1579) The Ruins of Time
3. Nicholas Udall: ‘Ralph Roister Doister’ (1553) , the first English comedy.
4. Norton and Sackville (1536-1608) : Gorboduc (1562), the first English tragedy.
5. Thomas Kyd (1557-1595):
A university wit: ‘The Spanish Tragedy (1585) 1st revenged tragedy.
6. Sir Philip Sidney (1554-1586) : An Apologie for Poetrie (1595) , a critical treatise. Arcadia (1590), a book that bears the embryo of English novel.
7. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) , He was an English playwright & poet. The greatest dramatist of English literature before Shakespeare. A university wit:
Tamburlaine the Great (1587), Dr. Faustas (1592), The Jew of Malta (1589), Edward II (1591).

11. William Shakespeare (1564-1616): Called “The bird of Avon”
Famous for the objective representation of his deep knowledge about human psychology. He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets. Of the total 37 plays he wrote the following 25 before the death of Queen Elizabeth I: 1. Henry VI (1st Part) 2. Henry VI (2nd Part),3. Henry VI (3rd Part) (1591-92), 4. Richard III (1593), 5. The Comedy of Errors (1593),6.Titus Andronicus (1594), 7. The Taming of the Shrew (1594), 8. Love’s Labor’s Lost (1594), 9. Romeo and Juliet (1594), 10. A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1595), 11. The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1995), 12. King John (1595), 13. Richard II (1596), 14. The Merchant of Venice (1596), 15. Henry IV (1st Part. 1597), 16. Henry IV (2nd Part. 1598), 17. Much Ado about Nothing (1598), 18. Henry V (1599), 19. Julius Caesar (1599), 20. The Merry Wives of Windsor (1600), 21. As You Like It (1600), 22. Hamlet (1601), 23. Twelfth Night (1601), 24. Troilus and Cressida (1602), 25. All’s Well that Ends Well (1602).
• Tragedy – “Romeo & Juliet”, “Julius Caesar” , “King Lear”, Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet,
• Comedy – Love”s Labour Lost, The Tempest(last plays), All”s well that Ends well*, As you like it*, The Merchant of Venice*, Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the shrew*,
• Historical- Anthony & Cleopatra,
• Poem – Venus & Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece
• Is famous for English playwright of sixteenth century. (37 plays)
• Tragedy – “Romeo & Juliet”, “Julius Caesar” , “King Lear”, Othello, Macbeth, Hamlet,
• Comedy – Love”s Labour Lost, The Tempest(last plays), All”s well that Ends well*, As you like it*, The Merchant of Venice*, Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the shrew*,
• Historical- Anthony & Cleopatra,
• Poem – Venus & Adonis, The Rape of Lucrece.
• “To be or not to be, that is a question” a quotation from – Hamlet. *
• There are more things in haven & earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy - Hamlet. *
• There is a divinity that shapes our ends” is expressed from – Hamlet. *
• Fair is foul, & foul is fair” is quoted by – Macbeth (1606).
• Calliban is a character in - Tempest
• Cowards die many times before their death – is quoted from Julius Caesar.
• A Shakespearean plays consists of five acts.
• “Brevity is the soul of wit” is quoted by Shakespeare
• Called “The bird of Avon”
8. Francis Bacon (1561-1626),
• the natural philosopher,
• Considered to be the father of English prose.
• Essays (1597).
• Works- Novum Organum, The advancement of Learning
10. Ben Jonson (1573-1637),
A neo-classicist though he wrote in the time when romanticism was the main mode of expression. He is called a neo-classicist because he followed the classical rules of drama:
• Every Man in His Humour (1599),
• Every Man Out of His Humour,
• Volpone.
• Comedy - The Silent Woman*,
• The Alchemist
11. John Lyly (1554-1606): Campaspe (1584), Sapho and Phao (1584), Midas (1589), Euphues (1579), a book that bears the embryo of English novel.
12. Robert Greene (1558-1592): Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay (1589), James-VI (1591).
13. George Peele (1558-98): David and Bethsabe (1599), Arraignment of Paris (1584).
14. Thomas Nashe (1567-1601): The Unfortunate Traveller (1594).
15. Beaumont (1584-1616) and Fletcher (1579-1625): Philaster (1611), A King and No King (1611), The Maid’s Tragedy (1610).
Literary Features of the Period:
The Elizabethan Age is regarded as the Golden Age in the history of English literature. The renaissance brought ancient Greek and Roman wisdom to England. The religious Reformation taught religious tolerance and secularism. The geographical and astronomical explorations brought affluence and power. In other words, the social life of England was marked by a strong national spirit, humanism, religious broad-mindedness, scientific curiosity, social content, intellectual progress and unlimited enthusiasm. All these aspects of the social life are reflected in the writings of this period. The literature of this age shows a quest for ‘’the remote, the wonderful and the beautiful’’. It is the age of original romanticism. This romanticism revived again, after a long time in 1798 in the poetry of Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron.

গল্পে গল্পে ইংরেজি সাহিত্য

একদিন প্রকৃতির কবি Wordsworth হাটছিলেন বনের ধারে... দেখলেন আফিম খেয়ে S.T.Coleridge সাহেব মাতাল হয়ে পড়ে আছেন। তাকে দেখেই Lord Byron আর Shelley কে নিয়ে আলাপ চারিতার এক পর্যায়ে স্বিদ্ধান্ত নিলেন তাদের দুজন কে নিয়ে একটা Romatic কবিতা লিখবেন। তখন তারা ঝামেলায় পড়ে গেলেন।কে লিখবে এই কবিতা। john Keats কে ডেকে আনলেন এবং Scott এবং Hajlitt এর সহযোগিতায় Lamb এর নিচে বসে রোমান্টিক কবিতা লিখে ফেললেন। Jane Austin হেসে বলেন আমি মেয়ে থাকতে Shelley একজন পুরুষ, তাকে নিয়ে কবিতা ? এরা সবাই Romantic Period এর কবি। যা শুরু হয় 1798 থেকে 1832

রাজধানী : [ মনে রাখতে সহজতর গুলো ]

# পোর্ট দিয়ে কিছু :
রাজধানী----------দেশের নাম
পোর্ট ভিলা - ভানুয়াতু ( ভানু ভিলা)
পোর্টেনোভা - বেনিন ( নোভা বেনিনে)
পোর্ট মোর্সবি - পাপুয়ানিউগিনি (মোশা পাপ্পি দেয়)
পোর্ট লুইস - মরিশাস ( মরে লুই)
পোর্ট অব প্রিন্স - হাইতি ( হাই প্রিন্স)
পোর্ট অব স্পেন - এিনিদাদ ও টোবাগো
# সেন্ট দিয়ে :
সেন্ট জর্জেস - গ্রানাডা ( জর্জের গ্রান)
সেন্ট জোনস - এন্টিগুয়া ও বারমুডা (জোনসের বার)
# টাউন দিয়ে :
জর্জ টাউন - গায়ানা ( জর্জের গান)
ফ্রি টাউন - সিয়েরালিয়েন ( ফ্রি সানিলিয়েন)
ব্রিজটাউন - বার্বাডোজ ( BB)
কিংসটাউন - সেন্ট ভিনসেন্ট ও গ্রেনাইড
কিংস্টন - জ্যামাইকা ( কিং জ্যামে)
# দেশ + সিটি দিয়ে :
পানামা সিটি - পানামা
মেক্সিকো সিটি - মেক্সিকো
গুয়েতেমালা সিটি - গুয়েতেমালা
কুয়েত সিটি - কয়েত
সিঙ্গাপুর সিটি - সিঙ্গাপুর
# দেশের নামে রাজধানী:
স্যান ম্যারিনো
# কিছুটা দেশের সাথে মিল :
সাওটোমে - সাওটম এন্ড প্রিন্সিপে
বিসাউ - গিনিবিসাউ
তাইপে - তাইয়ান